Many restaurants entice you with their freshly cooked delicacies. You love to delight your cravings when you find a fine dining restaurant, no matter how far you live. However, your behavior says a lot about you when selecting food and while munching. Dining etiquette is beyond table manners.
This blog comprises seven little etiquettes that are useful for you, especially when with someone. Have a look-
1. Go with the Proper Attire
Make sure you put on proper attire. If you go to a fancier restaurant, skip tennis shoes and jeans. Wear something a little nicer. And if you are going to a contemporary casual restaurant, wear something of your choice or comfort level.
2. Wait for Your Turn
It is a policy at many restaurants that you have to wait for your turn until the table gets vacant. It is polite to wait for your table or book your table in a restaurant. However, many eateries have reservation options. You can book a table in advance.

3. Don’t Keep your Phone on the Table!
Instead of keeping your phone on the table, keep it in your pocket or bag on General mode so that you attend to an urgent call. It implies you want to enjoy your time with your company, and you get more time to share happiness while munching food.
4. Put your Napkin on your Lap
Do it soon as you sit down. If you are with people hosting the dining, let them have the napkins first on their laps. Make sure you place the napkins on the chair every time you excuse yourself to use the restroom.
5. Let Everyone Get Served First!
Once everyone gets something served on their plates to eat, start devouring. It helps you in having a review from others too. Sometimes, you feel something to cook more, but others might not. Even if you only are the one who feels so, you can still ask to cook the dish more deeply.
6. Call Waiter with Respect
Either make eye contact with a waiter to call him or call sir/ma'am to make your order. You can even raise your hand in their direction. Always maintain dignity while calling waiters.
7. Hold your Wineglass by the Stem
If you are a wine lover, hold the wineglass by the stem and enjoy. But, if you don't want, politely keep your hand over the glass, indicating not to pour in.
So, how about practicing these etiquettes at the best restaurants in Haarlem while consuming delectable meals?